Sunday, December 5, 2010
Correlation Matrix
Statistical Map
These maps are very popular and can help us understand issues that are surrounding us. This particular map shows the percent change in Metropolitan and micropolitan statistical area population from April 2000 to July 2005.
Windrose Map
These graphs show representations of speed wind and directions in a windrose, multiplied by the amount of times they occur.
Lorenz Curve
This is a graph of using a Lorenz curve. This graph illustrates enequality by comparing percentage of households and percentage of income.
Unclassed Choropleth Map
The image above shows the reason for the fertility rates for European countries. The darker the shaded color the higher the attributed value for that location. The opposite is true for those location with the lightest shaded color.
Cartographic Animation
This is a map of Louisiana and the weather animations at this specific time. Cartographic Animation is shown mostly through weather predictions, as to which way a storm is going to go.
Isohyetal Map
This map of Australia shows areas of equal precipitation in the country. It is used in this context to explore areas of erosion.
Digital Elevation Model
Also known as DEM's, these maps use shading to depict elevation changes. These have been derived from the United States topographic series.
Range Graded Proportional Circle Map
This is a simple image of a range graded proportional circle map. The area of the circles correspond to the data set the map is showing. The size of the circles has a direct relationship to the ungrouped data.
Isohyet Map
This is a isohyet map of texas. This isohyet map shows the average annual precipitation in inches that took place in texas from 1951-1980.
Thematic Maps
These maps are most often used to display population data. The census uses these type of maps very often to display their information collected. Thematic maps are specifically used to show the spatial layout and patterns of a chosen theme over a given area.
Histograms depict the frequencies of statistical values in graphical form. In this histogram it is showing the number of employees relative to the amount of money they are on salary for. Histograms are basically just a glorified version of a bar graph.
Public Land Survey Systems
Also referred to PLSS maps, these maps are used by using meridian and base lines to find a location. They are used to divide up the land in the United States, and to subdivide and describe land publicly held in the United States.
Digital Line Graph
Also known as a DLG. It is a digital representation of the features displayed on a United States geological survey topographic map.
Digital Raster Graphics
Also known as DRG's, they are scanned raster images of US topographic maps. The map is scanned at a minimum resolution of 250 dots per inch.
Stem and Leaf Plot
Stem and leaf plots are an easy way to see numerical data. This particular stem and leaf plot shows the infant mortality rates in west africa. The numbers range from 51 to 151.
Triangular plot
A triangular plot displays information in the shape of a triangle.
Index Value Plot
The Index Value Plot helps us display data relative to a value. In this plot, it is comparing the behavior of the stock market over from 1872 to 2008. The index value plot will help show discrepencies between data information.
Population Profile
These charts display not only the age of the population, but the corresponding size of the population. These are an easy way to display a lot of information about a given population.
Cadastral Maps
Cadastral Maps are used to depict property lines and boundaries. These are helpful in determining property rights and land ownership boundaries.
Similarity Matrix
Similarity Matrixes compare data to see how similar it is. Authors often use colors to help the viewer pick out the similarities the easiest. For example, in this matrix, dark red squares indicate high similarity.
Hypsometric Map
Hypsometric Maps use different colors to show differences in elevations by contouring. I can't read what language this is, but it would seem that the white would be mountains, and the elevation drops from there.
Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangle
Often referred to as DOQQ, shows an area that is 1/4 of the United States Geological Surveys 7.5 minute quadrangle. This is also an ariel photo, which shows a large amount of land in a small photo.
Scatter Plot
Scatter plots are another very popular way to display data. All points of data are plotted on a graph and it is very easy to spot if there is any sort of trend among the data. This particular scatter plot shows the correlation between elevation and the temperatures in nevada. As you can see, the higher the temperature, the lower thee elevation, and vice versa.
Box Plot
Star Plot
A star plot is a way to display multiple variables and characteristics of data at the same time. This makes it very easy to see a large amount of data on the same chart.
Mental Maps
Mental maps are a person's projection of a map according to how it is seen in their mind. This map is drawn by a student in Thailand and it is their projection of the world according to what they think.
Isoline Maps
Isoline maps use contour lines to show differences in temperature, height, depth, wind patterns and many other things. This is a map of the average temperatures across the united States in 2001
Infared Aerial Photo
Infared helps us to see environmental changes easily with film that is sensitive to light. It can also be used to monitor the processing of agricultural foods and drinks, so that we know where our food is coming from.
Propaganda map
This map was created during the Cold War to be seen by Americans. The title "The world According to Ronald Regan" was to show americans that this is how they should see the world. Propaganda maps are used to influence the public's idea of a conflict.
LIDAR images
Light Detection and Ranging is a technology that uses an airborne scanning laser. This particular image comes from pictures taken after the World Trade Centers were destroyed. It shows the area damage beneath the ground and how deep it went.
Isobar Map
An isobar is a map that connects the points of equal pressure on a map of the weather. These are generated from data that comes from sea level pressure reports
Dot distribution Map
A dot distribution map shows the density ina certain population. This particular map shows the amount of AIDS cases in september of 1997. The dots represent the amount of people who are infected.
Proportional Circle Map
This proportional circle map shows the amount of mexicans living in each state in the U.S. The smaller the circle, the less mexicans. This is an easy way to display population differences.
Flow Map
Flow maps show data by using differences in line thickness. There are two ways that you can create a flow map. You can either have one object to another, using lines to connect them or you can connect data with curvy lines, creating the image of a flow map.
Isohyet Map
The isohyet map is a type of isoline map that uses lines to show rainfall. This particular map shows the amount of rainfall that led to a flood in Fort Collins in 1997
Black and white areial photo
Aerial photos were used in the early part of the 20th century. They make it easy to see a large area from a far distance. It makes it very easy to see if there has been damage after a large catastrophe.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Doppler Radar
Doppler radar uses images created by sending microwave signals sent from radar. Most people commonly know doppler radar by helping us to predict the weather
Isopleth map
This map shows the sea level pressure in different areas. Isopleth maps make a connection between all of the points that have the same amount of data and complete a circle so you can see what areas have the same level of pressure.
univariate choropleth map
This is an example of a univariate choropleth map. A univariate choropleth map compares just one variable, helping to measure a single set of data.
Bivariate choropleth maps
This is a bivariate cloropleth map. bivariate choropleth maps show two different types of variables. This map compares the margins of victory for both candidates compared to the voter turnout as a percentage of voting age population.
Bilateral Graph
A bilateral graph is any map that easily shows the differences or similarities between two variables. This map shows the comparison between the money from exports, imports, and trade over five years.
U.S. Public Land Survey System
This map is from the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management. This system covers most of the United States except the states that are in white, which are called "unsystematic". This illustrates principle meridians and base lines involved in the US land Surveys.
UTM Zonings
Regular Cylindrical Map
This is an example of a regular cylindrical map projection. The latitude and longitude lines are straight on these projections, and it is made by wrapping a cylinder around the equator of the globe. These maps are often used to depict the entire world most accurately.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Topographic Map
Planimetric map
This map shows the state boundaries of Iceland. A planimetric map is simply a surface map, that does not show differences in elevation.
Political Map of Iceland with Provincial/State Boundaries |
Bar Graph
Bar graphs display data in a very simple and user friendly way. This bar graph is showing the different number of students who are riding the bus in from the 5th to the 8th grade. Bar graphs can be vertical or horizontal, it just is usually done to be able to make the data easily read.
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